Latest Episodes

God’s power is made perfect in your weakness
Vulnerability. Sounds like weakness, doesn’t it? Because you’re opening up the wounded parts of yourself to people. But God can create such incredible good...

Forgiveness: It’s more radical than you think
We live in a world where anything goes, but nothing is forgiven. (We even have a new word for it: “cancel culture.”) Amazingly, a...

What does the Church teach about salvation?
What is salvation? If we get anything right in our faith, it should be this. And yet, most Catholics don’t have a clear idea...

Don’t take yourself too seriously
Nobody likes a grumpy saint. You could be the most pious person walking the face of the Earth. But if you're a spiritual curmudgeon,...

The best (and hardest) part of becoming Catholic
When we last talked to Jeremy Rivera, he told us about his wild and wonderful journey back to the Catholic Church. But that wasn’t...

LOTR and Catholicism w/Joseph Pearce
You’ve almost definitely heard of Lord of the Rings; it’s pretty much the greatest fantasy epic in the history of Western Literature. But do...