Monsters in the closet. Ghosts in the dark.
Remember feeling afraid when you were little? Unfortunately, we don’t grow out of it. Now that we’re adults, we just have new things to be afraid of.
But how does that square with having faith in Jesus? After all, Jesus says, “Be not afraid!”
Shouldn’t we live without fear of anything?
Well, here’s the thing: Jesus did NOT come to take away everything you’re afraid of.
But he did come to take away your fear.
Having faith in Jesus empowers you! He gives you the strength to overcome your fears and live with true freedom.
Now you’re probably wondering, “Okay sure, Chris, but how does that actually work?” That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about in this episode.
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You pull up to the street corner. There’s that grungy guy again, holding his cardboard sign. You feel a nudge like you should help...