Sounds like weakness, doesn’t it? Because you’re opening up the wounded parts of yourself to people.
But God can create such incredible good out of your brokenness. He even says in the Bible, “My power is made PERFECT in your weakness.”
So this week we’re talking to John Edwards again, because he knows all about vulnerability. His life’s been full of it – converting back to Christ while in prison, learning to be more open with his wife and kids, and starting a men’s ministry from scratch.
If you want to find the true JOY we’re all looking for, it takes vulnerability. But don’t fear! John and I are here to explain what authentic (and life-giving) vulnerability looks like.
In this eye-opening video, I sit down with John Burke, a researcher who has interviewed over 1,500 people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs)....
St. Benedict was the father of…life hacks. Follow me for a second! His most famous work, The Rule of St. Benedict was filled with...
Guys, I CAN’T WAIT to share my latest guest with you! While leading a pilgrimage to Italy last month (btw, join me on pilgrimage!...