Today, we’re talking all about masculinity. So often in this world, the word “masculinity” is preceded by the word “toxic.” Not today! When men’s tendencies and attitudes are nourished and raised up in light of the Gospels and in light of Christ’s teaching, we make the culture more BEAUTIFUL.
Men and boys are NOT a fire to be put out. Men, the Church needs YOU to grow and give yourself as a gift the way Christ gave Himself as a gift.
Then, I share with you a talk I recently gave about how a generation of young men are being told they are BAD and TOXIC and are left asking the question, “who AM I supposed to be?” There is hope! There are role models of what it means to be a true MAN. One fantastic example of Catholic manhood is St. Maximilian Kolbe, who left the Commander at Auschwitz SHAKING in his boots because of his fierce love of Christ.
Finally, I leave you with the model of masculinity and self-gift: Christ Himself This episode is full of TRUTH, and I hope you love it just as much as I do!
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