As he sat in prison and anticipated a cruel and untimely death, St. Paul refused to give into negativity. He implored others to “have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.”
How could St. Paul stay positive in such a dire situation? He kept his focus on God.
And as Fr. Chad Ripperger tells us this week, the Evil One hates that.
When we set our sights on the good, the demons are forced to flee. Fr. Ripperger has seen this happen with the possessed people he has worked with, but it can work for all of us.
We should all make positivity a part of our everyday spiritual lives. Join me and find out how to do just that.
Merry Christmas, guys! Today, I’m bringing you with me to where it all began—The Holy Land. I mentioned in last week’s episode in Nazareth...
December 12 is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, marking 493 years since our Blessed Mother appeared to St. Juan Diego and initiated...
I hope your Advent is a great time of preparation, renewal, and JOY! We’re continuing our Advent series with my friend Fr. Michael O’Loughlin....