I talk about joy a lot. But I know there’s one place where it’s really hard to keep up your joy sometimes: at work.
If you feel like you have to find your true joy outside of work, you’re not alone. People go to work every day, but their jobs stress them out and leave them exhausted.
So this week, I’m bringing in my buddy Patrick Lencioni. Pat is a pro at helping businesses become better places for us to work!
And he’s discovered the key to finding more joy and energy in your job.
I’m not going to give it away, but here’s a hint: It’s about harnessing the way you naturally think and work.
If you could use a booster shot of inspiration, or just want to feel more fulfilled in what you do for a living, you don’t want to miss this.
Today, we’re diving deep into the eternal reality of Heaven and Hell. But this isn't just a discussion about what the Bible says. We’re...
December 12 is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, marking 493 years since our Blessed Mother appeared to St. Juan Diego and initiated...
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