I’m so excited to bring this week’s interview to you with billionaire Tom Monaghan of Domino's Pizza . He’s got a lifetime of wisdom to share, and at some points in this interview he shocked me with his vulnerability.
Mr. Monaghan is 86, so I want you to push away your distractions, turn the volume, and give this one a careful listen.
We track how he rose from an orphanage, to trading pizzas for dental work, to being a the founder of Domino's Pizza, arguably the founder of fast food delivery, and billionaire… and then how he went from being a billionaire to conquering pride and taking what he called “a millionaire’s vow of poverty.”
There are just so many nuggets in this one that I can apply to my own life as a father and a leader. I hope the interview blesses you too!
Finally, I answer a great question from a viewer, “How do I answer people who say that we ‘conservative’ Christians are too hung up on sexual morality.”
Also, sponsor plug: since much of Tom’s success is about FOCUSING where God is calling him, I wanna offer you (one more time!) a chance to kick your biggest distraction! My friends at Wise Phone are offering followers of my show a $75 discount if you pre-order your Wise Phone II. Kick your phone addiction. Visit https://Go.Techless.com/Chris/ and enter discount code CHRIS to get that discount and more!
❤️ The episode was made possible by our Missionaries of Joy. To support this channel, visit https://reallifecatholic.com/moj/
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You can watch this the VIDEO episode of this podcast on YouTube as well.
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