We all know the Bible says to “love your neighbor as yourself.”
But here’s the funny thing: We’re usually better at loving our neighbor than loving ourselves!
Sure, we all get a little down on ourselves sometimes. But God doesn’t want you to constantly focus on what’s wrong with yourself. He wants you to love yourself – and He’s better at affirmation than anyone else!
So, if you want the joy that comes from replacing your negative self-talk with God’s Word, then this may be the most important thing you listen to all week!
In this episode, Jimmy Walhberg joins Chris to discuss addiction, recovery, God's grace, and Jimmy's latest film. Help us share the truth and beauty...
It shouldn’t be surprising that THE most important thing for our relationship with God is to talk to him. That’s why I’m alone today...
People can be super-annoying. Even some of the saints weren’t always the most pleasant companions! Fact is, we are all broken creatures. But God...