The SHOCKING News of Easter Sunday

April 11, 2023 00:27:12
The SHOCKING News of Easter Sunday
Chris Stefanick Catholic Show
The SHOCKING News of Easter Sunday

Apr 11 2023 | 00:27:12


Show Notes

Way to go, everyone! We got through Lent and made it to Easter!

So… what happens now?

(And I don’t mean trading fish and fasting for chocolate and jelly beans.)
You see, we’re not going back to our normal lives again. Because Jesus has RISEN from the dead.

And that’s shocking news.

Sounds like I’m overreacting? Think about it. Our world is obsessed with death. We do whatever we can to avoid it. But we can’t control the fact we’re going to die. Yet God became a man who died and then defeated death itself by rising to new life. Like… WHAT!?!

The story of Easter literally changed the entire world. And it literally changes YOUR story too.

So let’s talk about the Resurrection with fresh eyes, so you can see what it means for you right now. Because if you want to live an authentic, joyful Catholic life, you gotta start right here at the core.

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