When we last talked to Jeremy Rivera, he told us about his wild and wonderful journey back to the Catholic Church.
But that wasn’t the end of the story.
Returning to Catholicism was great for Jeremy, but it wasn't just “happily ever after.” He had to figure out how to have the kind of life that most cradle Catholics take for granted.
So in this episode, Jeremy tells you about:
● The hardest part of going from Protestant minister to fresh new Catholic.
● Why conversion is an ongoing process, not once and for all.
● What Catholics should know about the converts in their parishes.
We always say that conversion is a possibility for anyone. But it can be tempting to think that there’s no hope for some people....
St. Benedict was the father of…life hacks. Follow me for a second! His most famous work, The Rule of St. Benedict was filled with...
Chris talks with Catholic astronaut, General Chilton about his faith and experience going into space.